Spring Event in Santa Cruz, California
with Deng Ming Dao and Pearl Weng Liang Huang
Marrow Washing Qigong, Intro to 5 Animal Frolics of Hua Tuo,
Golden Light Meditation
April 6 - 7, 2018
Golden Light Meditation
April 6 - 7, 2018
Louden Nelson Center - 301 Center St., Santa Cruz, CA
Cost before March 6 - $100
after March 6-$125
Contact: Linda Gerson: awakeningchi.org
or call Linda 831 334 7757
Louden Nelson Center - 301 Center St., Santa Cruz, CA
Cost before March 6 - $100
after March 6-$125
Contact: Linda Gerson: awakeningchi.org
or call Linda 831 334 7757