Taochan Lishi Bajiquan Private Five Day Autumn Retreat in Taos, NM. October 14–18, 2019
We invite you to join our five-day retreat this autumn in Taos to continue the evolution of Taochan Lishi Bajiquan. Each day, we will train in a relaxed, slow, methodical, and clear way. Weng Liang will reveal the connections between ideographs, language, calligraphy, and movement. Mornings will begin with a one-hour program in the basics of Bajiquan for beginners. Returning scholar warriors can join this session as they wish. Everyone will be together for the remainder of each day. Bajiquan continues to fascinate us all. You can explore martial art and internal energy practices. Your stances will become stronger and wider. Graceful movement will come naturally. Most importantly, Taochan Lishi Bajiquan will bring us directly into the Three Teachings. Please join us for this next exciting phase of our journey!
Ming-Dao and Weng Liang